Shaheer Sheikh, a well-known name in the television industry, is all set to make his debut in the big-budget web film Do Patti, alongside Kriti Sanon and Kajol. Recently, Shaheer received praise from renowned casting director Mukesh Chhabra, which he shared on social media, expressing how motivated it made him feel.
During a podcast with Ranveer Allahabadia, Mukesh Chhabra spoke highly of Shaheer. When asked about Shaheer’s role as Arjun in Mahabharat, Chhabra admitted that he hadn’t seen the show but was aware of Shaheer’s talent. He said, “I haven’t watched Mahabharat, but I know about Shaheer Sheikh. I cast him in the film Do Patti. He is a good actor, a very interesting actor, good-looking, and a good soul.”
Shaheer responded to the praise on social media, writing, “It’s stuff like this that keeps me motivated to keep pushing myself.”
This recognition from a respected figure like Mukesh Chhabra is a significant moment for Shaheer as he embarks on this new journey in his career.