Star Plus is gearing up to launch a new show titled Deewaniyat, starring Kritika Yadav and Vijayendra Kumeria in the lead roles. This upcoming drama is being produced by Rajesh Ram Singh under his banner, Cockcrow Entertainment, known for the hit show Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. The production house has decided to bring back two familiar faces from Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin—Ayush Anand and Sheetal Maulik.
According to the news, Ayush Anand will be portraying a negative character in the show, while Sheetal Maulik will take on the role of his mother. Both actors were previously part of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin, with Sheetal playing Sonali Chavan in the first generation of the show and Ayush playing Chinmaye Bhosale in the second generation. They both exited the show following its revamp and storyline leap.
Despite multiple attempts, Ayush and Sheetal were unavailable for comment on their roles in the new show.
As for the lead actors, Vijayendra Kumeria is reuniting with the production house after his recent role as Angad Brar in Teri Meri Doriyaann, which concluded a few months ago. Kritika Yadav, known for her roles in Aapki Nazron Ne Samjha and Dharam Patni, will be starring opposite Vijayendra. Interestingly, the two actors were both part of Aapki Nazron Ne Samjha but were not paired together in that show.
With Deewaniyat bringing together a mix of familiar and fresh faces, anticipation is building for this new offering from Star Plus.)Plz rewrite this article in easy to read for human.