Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai actress Hina Khan, who is battling stage 3 breast cancer, shared a touching “photo dump” from 2024 on social media. The pictures showcase significant moments and experiences from her life during the year. Her two heartfelt posts caught everyone’s attention.
On January 9, Hina shared her first post, featuring photos from her visit to Mecca, a serene beach sunset with her boyfriend, a family vacation in Landour, moments from shoots, hospital treatments, and an emotional image of her holding her hair after cutting it off. These pictures reflect her journey and are deeply moving for viewers.
In her caption, Hina wrote, “2024 Photodump… A year that felt like a lifetime’s experience. This year was full of shocks, pain, tears, small joys, scars, thousands of stitches, positivity, hope, faith, happiness, and a lot of love.” She went on to describe how the year taught her patience, endurance, determination, and gratitude. She added, “I couldn’t express it all, even in 500 pictures, but managed to share it in two parts. This is the first lot… the second will follow soon.”
In her second post, Hina reflected on her battle with cancer and wished for better health and a kinder 2025. The photos showed moments of her fight against the disease, the love and support from her family and friends, and celebrations where she didn’t let cancer define her.
Many celebrities, including Shraddha Arya, Shubhaavi Choksey, Himanshi Khurana, and Shilpa Khatwani, commented on her posts, praising her courage and strength. Ektaa Kapoor called her a “Warrior Queen,” while Sunita Rajwar commented, “Ameen.” Hina’s posts were a testament to her resilience and positivity.
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