The latest episode of Shark Tank India Season 4 featured Nitin Chawla, an entrepreneur from Ghaziabad, pitching his app, OneDios. Despite already raising ₹16 crore in funding, Nitin could not secure a deal from the sharks: Anupam Mittal, Aman Gupta, Vineeta Singh, Peyush Bansal, and Varun Dua. During the pitch, Anupam Mittal even lost his temper with him.
OneDios is an app that allows customers to file complaints about faulty products in just 60 seconds, regardless of where they were purchased. It also offers extended warranties, with Nitin earning money from the brands registered on his platform. For his pitch, he sought ₹75 lakh for 1.5% equity, valuing his company at ₹50 crore. Nitin projected a revenue of ₹7 crore for the year but admitted that the business was still losing money.
Varun Dua, who has experience in warranties and insurance, expressed doubts. He said, “The extended warranty business has too many variables, and it’s not as simple as you’re making it seem.”
Anupam Mittal criticized Nitin’s approach, saying, “You’re not getting to the point. When we try to understand more, it feels like you’re mocking us, as if we don’t know anything.” He added, “If you can’t convince them, confuse them—but I’m neither confused nor convinced. Your business is being overtaken by AI. I’m out.”
Anupam also pointed out Nitin’s behavior toward Varun Dua. He said, “When one of us asks deeper questions, your attitude suggests you’re laughing inside and waiting to put us down, as if we don’t know what we’re talking about. Show Varun some respect.”
After Anupam stepped out, the other sharks also declined to invest. They felt Nitin’s pitch lacked clarity and transparency. Vineeta Singh remarked, “You can sell without lying.”
Shark Tank India Season 4 streams on Sony LIV at 8 PM, Monday to Friday.
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